Scuba diving introduction courses

Try scuba (1h introduction diving course)

Never dived before? Try the adventure of a first foray into weightlessness underwater.

Pre-requisite: know how to swim
Minimum age: 12 years old
Duration of the initiation: 1 hour Maximum depth: 5 meters Maximum number of participants: 2
Schedule: during de week on the evening. During the weekend on the afternoon
Meeting point: at the reception 20 minutes before your dive

Price: 69 €/person
Consult the schedule of this course and book your place here.

Further information: or 00.32.(0)2.333.38.36 from Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm

Basic diver (introduction diving course 2h30)

Discovery of scuba diving and first theoretical and practical notions. The BASIC DIVER is an initiation during 2 dives.

Pre-requisite: to know how to swim
Minimum age: 12 years old
Duration of the course: 2h30
Maximum depth: 10 meters
Federation Maximum number of participants: 4
Schedule: Friday from 6.30 pm to 9 pm or Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 12.30 pm
Meeting point: at the reception 20 minutes before your dive

Price: 125 €/person material included
How to register and prepare? Follow the procedure here.

Further information: or 00.32.(0)2.333.38.36 from Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm

Do you have an unforeseen problem? You can cancel your session yourself free of charge up to 24 hours before the activity. To unsubscribe, go to "My basket". You will then get your session back.
After this time, you will lose your session, unless you provide a medical certificate proving your inability to perform the planned activity.