You have the OPEN WATER or CMAS 2* certification and you want to progress? These speciality courses allow you to improve your knowledge and technical skills in diving.
After successfully completing 4 specialty courses of your choice, and if you have at least 24 dives in your logbook, you will become an ADVANCED OPEN WATER.
You can then also decide to become a SSI professional
NEW !!! Full Face Mask Diving
Pre-requisite: REFERRAL DIVER of 3* CMAS
Course duration: 1 evening (theorie + 2 consecutive dives in our swimingpool NEMO33 Brussels)
Schedule: from 1830 till 2200
Prérogative: the international FULL FACE MASK licence can be asked by some scientific or technical organisation.
Price: 290 €/personne
Pre-requisite: OPEN WATER DIVER of 2* CMAS
Course duration: 3 lessons of 3h30 each in the pool of NEMO33
Schedule: during the week from 6.30 pm to 9.30 of during the weekend from 10 am to 1.30 pm
Prerogative: the international DEEP DIVING certificate allows you to dive autonomously up to 40 metres
Price: 215 €/personne
How to register and prepare? Follow the steps here.
Pre-requisite: OPEN WATER DIVER of 2* CMAS
Course duration: 1 lesson of 3h30 in the class and in the pool of NEMO33
Schedule: during the week from 6.30 pm to 9.30 of during the weekend from 10 am to 1.30 pm
Prerogative: the international ENRICHED AIR NITROX 40 certificate allows you to dive with air made of 40% oxygen instead of 21%
Price: 145 €/person
How to register and prepare? Follow the steps here.
Pre-requisite: 0
Course duration: in the class
Schedule: during the weekend from 10am till 6pm
Prérogative: the international REACT RIGHT (First aid) certificate is a pre-requisit for the STRESS & RESCUE course or all the supervising divers levels
Price: 180 €/person
How to register and prepare? Follow the steps here.
Course duration: 2 lessons of 3h30 in the pool and in open water
Schedule: during the week from 6.30 pm to 9.30 of during the weekend from 11 am to 2 pm
Prérogative: after the courses REACT RIGHT (First Aid) + STRESS & RESCUE, you obtain the international certificate RESCUE DIVER
Price: 425 €/person
How to register and prepare? Follow the steps here.
Pre-requisite: OPEN WATER DIVER ou 2* CMAS
Course duration: 2 leçons de 3h30 (1 en piscine + 1 en milieu naturel)
Schedule: dduring the week from 6.30 pm to 9.30 of during the weekend from 10 am to 1.30 pm
Goal : prepare the candidate to dive safely and comfortably in a dry suit
Price: 220 €/person
Comment s'inscrire et se préparer? Marche à suivre ici.
Other courses on request:
Assistant instructor
Further information: or 00.32.(0)2.333.38.36 from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm
Level or previous training: Referal diver
Course duration: 6 hours
Age: From 12 years old
Schedule: Saturdays from 10am to 4pm
Objective: To gain an in-depth knowledge of the oceans, discover the science and how marine ecosystems interact.
June: Saturday 17 June
Price: 175 €/person
Further information: or 00.32.(0)2.333.38.36 from Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm
Objective: The Dive Guide program provides candidates with the knowledge and training necessary to supervise and guide certified divers on recreational exploration dives.
Note: Upon completion of the Dive Guide program, candidates may receive professional or non-professional certification.
Candidate requirements:
Minimum age: 15 years (must be 18 years old to be certified as a Professional Dive Guide in active status).
Have completed at least 40 open water dives totaling at least 25 hours.
Have the following SSI certifications or their equivalent issued by a recognized training organization: Diver Stress & Rescue
Have the following SSI certifications or equivalent from a recognized training agency, or provide proof of at least five (5) validated dives in each of the following areas Deep Diving/Navigation/Night & Limited Visibility
Note: The candidate is not required to be certified in the applicable specialty if he/she provides proof of experience dives and the instructor can verify the candidate's ability to demonstrate mastery of the skills required by the specialty.
Recommendation: SSI recommends that all SSI Dive Professional candidates be certified in Enriched Air Nitrox 40.
Duration: 35 to 45 hours.
The number of courses, hours and sessions per day is determined by the Instructor at his/her sole discretion, based on the candidate's needs, abilities and local conditions in the water.
Further information: or 00.32.(0)2.333.38.36 from Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm
Objective: to prepare you for the monitorat and live your passion
Candidate requirements:
Minimum age: 18 years
Course duration: 28h theory + approx. 9h in-water training.
Dates: courses on request
Price: 1450 €/ candidate, decreasing price if several candidates.
For further information, please contact or +32 (0)2.333.38.36 Monday to Friday 10am to 6pm